本帖最後由 nurejannatnuria 於 2024-5-15 17:59 編輯
Labor law is one of the branches of law that has the greatest impact on the daily life of society. It is through the conventions and regulations of the labor relationship that the economy revolves and that the vast majority of individuals acquire income for their subsistence. Therefore, labor law is of paramount importance for the worker. It is also very important that the worker seeks a lawyer to represent him in the legal sphere when he feels that his rights are being violated. Tip: Best books on labor law As we have done in other articles that address specific branches of law, we recommend three books on labor law that are important for law practitioners, students and people preparing for public exams.
Among the recommendations are: Labor Law , by , which covers all content on Brazilian labor law, with the changes in the 2017 labor reform. Labor Procedural Law , by Francisco Jorge and , which Albania Phone Number analyzes the jurisprudence and doctrine of labor procedural law, also updated with the labor reform. And, finally, Labor Law – Theory and Practical Issues , by , which addresses questions on the topic for people preparing for public exams in the area. Open your account at ADV Frequently Asked Questions About Labor Law What is labor law? What are labor laws for? What are the principles of labor law? Conclusion In the same way that social relationships change, work relationships also follow these changes. It is up to the legislator to understand these changes and establish new criteria that protect the rights achieved by workers.

Read everything legal professionals need to know [2021] Labor Compliance: what it is, advantages and how to apply Intermittent contract: complete guide on the subject Principles of Labor Law – Know the Main ones Receive my legal articles by email Fill in your details below and receive a summary of my legal articles once a month in your email Use the stars to rate Average Image Tiago More than 300 thousand heard on . More than 1,200 articles published on the Legal Results blog. Specialist in Legal Marketing. Speaker, teacher and passionate about an increasingly intelligent and efficient legal world. Follow tiagofachini on , Instagram, and Twitter. leave a comment Comment Name Email Your Email Your site Your site Save my details in this browser for the next time I comment.